Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Facebook and Myspace

Myspace and Facebook are very new and improved way to communicate with old high school or college friends, current friends, or family. Both websites have pictures where you can comment on walls or individual photos.
Myspace and Facebook are very good for businesses. Businesses can buy admin to look at peoples accounts. Because of that, businesses can look at everyone that has a Facebook or Myspace that is trying to hire for the job. Another reason Myspace and Facebook are good for businesses is because a business can create an account and post pictures of the store or pictures of their merchandise. But it is bad for those employees that want a job and they have a bad profile saying that they’re addicted to drugs and other bad stuff like that.
The two websites are especially good for social reasons because you can contact your friends on their wall, individual pictures, or even on individual comments. It is good for social reasons because you can talk to them with in only seconds. Another reason Myspace and Facebook are very good for social reasons is because users can search names and find old schoolmates 30 years ago. It is bad because if you own an account, then you have very little privacy since random people can view your site. It is also bad because your classmates can post rude or hurtful things on their account.
Facebook and Myspace are very good for the entertainment world. On Myspace, you can search music artists and listen to their music. For Facebook and Myspace, you can be friends with the most popular stars like Morgan Freeman or be friends with baseball star Derek Jeter. It is also good because movie trailers can advertise on these websites since millions of users or on every day. It is bad for the entertainment world because there is very little privacy.
There is no significantly good or bad impact for the news.
For Recreational purposes, Facebook and Myspace can be fun by talking to your friends through an IM, make funny comments, post funny pictures, or just by looking at past times through pictures. Other recreational purposes are games on peoples’ pages and also meeting new people. It is very bad for recreational purposes because people can get raped or killed if they meet a random person that they meet online. It is also bad because people can write cruel or rude comments on their wall.


LinkedIn was created in 2002 and it is another networking site whose specialty is more business than anything else. It is used for showing the connections you are not aware of by showing your friends. It helps you stay in touch with people you used to know but no longer stay in touch with.
It can help people find jobs and other business opportunities. LinkedIn is for giving and receiving advice about various topics. It even helps out small business owners because the owner can keep contact of clients. This in theory can be a great thing but there can be problems.
When business is done over the internet it’s really impersonal and you don’t really know who you are dealing with. A lot of people join and they have connections but they can’t find a way for the website to help themselves. Some have an account for over a year and nothing has happened to benefit them in anyway so they are thinking that the website is useless. That can be said about any social networking site but when it comes to business it really doesn’t make sense to keep the website if it doesn’t do anything for you.
These networking sites are all pretty similar and do essentially the same things. The difference is that it depends on what type of networking you want to do or which one is user friendly. If someone wants business connections then LinkedIn is good for those reasons and it never ends. But the fact that LinkedIn focuses more on business than social networking makes it in my opinion one of the better business-social networking site. A hard part is getting started with your first connections. Signing up is the first step, but where do you go from there? Once you find out how to use LinkedIn correctly it will benefit you more than the other business networking sites.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Google Docs

Google docs is a very good way to transfer documents like spreadsheets, essays, graphs, and other stuff like that. It is a new and improved way to communicate through emails, or to hand in important work to your advisors.
Business wise, it is very helpful to do work at your computer, and then to send it to someone else on their computer in no time. It is good that it takes very little time because you might be picture-close to the deadline. Another way that Google Docs is helpful the to business world is that it is user-friendly. It is also bad because the internet might not be working when the day comes to hand it in. Google Docs is also bad for businesses because sometimes the seller feels a phone call is better than sending a document or an email.
Google Docs is beneficial socially because you can send your friends funny advertisements. It is also good so that you can electronically send your friend some mail so it doesn’t take a couple days. It is bad socially because it takes a little bit longer than a phone call. It is also bad for social reasons because if your friends’ computer broke, he wouldn’t be able to communicate with each other. It can be easily abused by sending emails every day.
Google Docs is very helpful to the entertainment world. High up movie stars can send movie lines or movie proposals safer than regular mail. They can also send graphs to see which genre earns more money. When authors want to publish their book, they don’t have to worry about their book going public before they want because Google docs is a secure website. It is bad for entertainment because there is less advertisements on Google Docs than Yahoo. This can be abused if stars copied what the email wrote and then sent to another director for money.
Google Docs is very good for the news. Whenever the person that writes the news finishes writing the news, they can just send the document right to the computer where it reads to the news-man. It is also helpful to the news department because it makes it easier to send the maps of the fronts and other stuff like that. Google Docs is beneficial for recreational purposes because friends can send their portions of a group project to their whole group and make sure other groups will not get an email. It is also good for recreational purposes because friends and family can send photos or online jokes to each other. This can be easily